The Colorado River Basin (Basin) is on the precipice of collapse as both Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at
risk of reaching dead pool, unable to deliver water downstream. Recent modeling suggests that the Basin
needs to reduce water use by 2-4 million acre-feet (MAF) each year above current shortage and reduction commitments.
The Solutions Calculator is a simplified representation of the current conditions and operation of the Basin
that facilitates real-time scenario development of how water could be used and moved in the Basin.
The initial reservoir conditions are based on the 2022 August 24-Month Study's Most probable forecast
for January 1, 2023.
The top panel on the right allows you to select the volume of Lake Powell inflows, the percent reduction or
increase in Upper Basin demands from an assumed baseline of 4.4 MAF, the volume of Drought Response Operation
Agreement releases from upstream reservoirs to Lake Powell, the volume of releases from Glen Canyon Dam to Lake Mead,
the percent reduction or increase in Lower Basin demands from an assumed baseline of 7.5 MAF, and the percent
reduction or increase in Mexico demands from an assumed baseline of 1.5 MAF. System losses from Lake Mead and
Lower Basin reservoirs is not included, given these losses are not fully integrated into the Basin accounting system.
The bottom panel highlights the results of the chosen assumptions on key metrics, including Lake Powel and Lake Mead
elevation and live storage, Glen Canyon Dam releases, and deliveries to the Upper Basin, Lower Basin, and Mexico.
Modify these inputs to create a potential future for the Basin.
Change: 0%
Change: 0%
Change: 0%
Navigate between the 3 options below to view how the Basin reacts to changes above.